          Pentagon: Chinese vessels harassed unarmed ship Pentagon: Chinese vessels harassed unarmed ship... 吳哥窟unarmed ship... must be slavery linked wil 小型辦公室ling to bend to Rebel force or die under the fire; you want to bend 澎湖民宿to Rebel, you must have no right to blame harassed to try your sincere; you want to die un 花蓮民宿der the fire, you must have to carry your fire arms to deserve be fired, you don't do your duty to carry y 租房子our fire arms along with you, you have no right to blame extreme righteous Chinese rebel harassed you instead of firing you directly to 房屋買賣give you most merciful "Tone.Quite". Blame yourself too suck to know how to carry fire arms to make self defense by yourself that every American man must 婚禮佈置 have to know how to help himself to help others to do better in order to be a proud American man. You don't trust every man on board to carry fire arms to make self-defen 吳哥窟se like every street gangsters grouped head dares, you don't qualify to be the boss on any ship, you dare shamelessly be that ship head, you deserve to be killed and go to hells rather sooner tha 辦公室出租n later by any Chinese vessels x of evil then taking over all the slaves and whatever you left behind. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 裝潢  .

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